南阳市第四中学校 地址: 卧龙区联合街501号
途经公交车:6路, 22路, 26路
南阳美食英语介绍?在南阳,总有一群人和你一样,爱生活,更爱美食。 In Nanyang, there is always a group of people like you, love life, love food. 吃,是一种生活;吃货,是一种生活态度; Eat, is a kind of life chowhound, is a kind of attitude to life 走过南阳的每一条大街小巷,挖掘每一个角落的特色小吃,让我们一起把吃货精神发扬光大。 Through each of the Nanyang streets, snack in every corner of the mining, let us work together to carry forward the spirit of the cargo. 红庙路这两年开的餐饮店可真不少,这次去的也是一家开业不久的新店,去吃的是他家的面。之所以进去是因为店名吸引到了我。叫”馋面“ LU Hong Miao this year opened restaurants can be really many, this is an opening near the store, to eat is in front of his house. The reason is because in the name of interest to me. Called \"greedy face\" 【美食地址】:文化路与红庙路口向西30米路南 [address]: delicacy culture road and intersection Hongmiao West 30 meters south
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